State of HR Transformation

“HR transformation” is a core reformation of human resource that evolves the existing organization from an administration focused segment into a mission-critical strategic component of the business - enabling success through business outcomes. To get HR Transformation right, it’s important to understand outcomes that are in focus for businesses and their level of satisfaction with the organizational response on Design Anchors and on Implementation & Execution Anchors. 

Alight’s State of Transformation Study 2018 aims to capture the level of satisfaction and focus of business around the various Design, Implementation and Execution Anchors of HR transformation. While we are awaiting for the results of this year’s study, here are few highlights of the previous research: 

In 2017, it was found that HR services are pivotal to success with HR in the driving seat. However, the capability of HR incumbents was observed as a challenge. The sky-high expectations from HR technology were also not met and clarity on HR technology was identified as an important driver of satisfaction. While bite-sized learning and continuous listening were identified as some key trends, people analytics was recognized as the most vital anchor. 
Actions linked to HR Effectiveness: What are organizations doing to address the roadblocks

Organizations set for success are those that design their HR transformation strategy around establishing the right set of capabilities to realize business outcomes on an ongoing basis. With the enablers of HR transformation such as HR Service Delivery, HR Incumbents and HR platforms combined with data and insights, HR leaders can be well equipped to lead the transformation journey. vData | Data-driven People matter


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